heal your hands.
Problem: Dry, cracked, and chapped hands.
Insight: Your hands work hard for you, you should work hard for them.
Solution: Stop taking your hands for granted. Heal your hands.
Art Director: Gabriella Enriquez
Case Study Video
Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/1039261870
AR Filter
The AR billboards will be placed virtually in front of hand sculptures around the world. Users will be able to view this AR billboard through the Vaseline website and experience a “smoother” perspective of these famous sculptures.
Place your hand into the frame using the “Dryness Detector” filter and tap the screen to scan. The filter will then load and calculate the dryness level of your hand. After loading, the filter will be able to identify all of the dry spots on your hand and will give you a “score” on our dryness scale. The filter will suggest you need Vaseline to heal your hands.
An exclusive line of gloves infused with Vaseline’s petroleum oil blend will be released exclusively via our website, healyourhands.com. Vaseline will partner with Kate Spade, Everlast, and Patagonia to create fashionable and functional gloves.